Flat straight trail going through a wheat field.

TARC Stone Cat Trail Festival 50 Miler

Volunteers at trail races are usually awesome, but I have to say that the TARC (Trail Animals Running Club) volunteers are really a step up. This was my first race with them, and I am so happy I found this small trail running community on the east coast! The nothing-fancy, local, volunteer-based nature of this race was just the best intro to east coast trail running I could’ve found. From having foam rollers at the aid station to giving me stretches to do when things got tight, I literally would not have made it through the last 30 miles without them. Next time I have to stop a second longer at the aid stations and get their names! Thank you so much!

I did consider stopping after 3 laps. I think that’s a tough thing about loop courses. The opportunity to stop is always there. But I wanted to stay in the forest longer. The whole purpose of my day was to do this race. And it helped that I’m a bit competitive and wanted to beat my boyfriend like I did last year at our 50-miler, so there was that. All in all, I think my pacing was good. I had more in me muscularly and aerobically but the tendons gave way. I’m excited to see what I could do with some proper training (this was off 23-mile running weeks, a few stadiums, and one 20-mile long run on pavement). Woohoo! In the end I placed 2nd female overall (though there were only 8 female finishers and 17 who DNFed), and 16th overall (out of 41 total finishers and 43 DNFs). Lots of DNFs eeks there’s something about these East Coast races I guess!

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