Let’s Go!

Part of my mission is to increase the accessibility of coaching. Current services are all virtual. Please fill out the contact form below even if you are interested but unable to afford these rates!

Great White ($50/month)

You take the steering wheel on training plan.
I review data, respond to questions, and offer tips.
We meet as needed for extra Q&A and development.
Free side of endless support and belief!

Falcon ($100/month)

I provide an individualized training plan.
I review data, respond to questions, adapt the plan, and offer tips.
We meet as needed for extra Q&A and development.
Free side of endless support and belief!

Video review ($25/review)

You provide video, I review it, then we discuss together for up to 30 minutes.
Free side of endless support and belief!

If you’re interested, fill out the contact form below! Not sure what you want yet, if anything? Let’s chat about coaching, training, racing, and anything else on your mind.

Note which coaching tier you’re interested in, or undecided! Mention why you’re seeking coaching and what your goals are. Thank you so much, have the best day!


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